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About the Author

Maria Rosa Lehmann

Maria Rosa Lehmann is a scholar and teacher who specializes in transnational phenomena and local strategies of avant-garde and performance art. She teaches studio art and Francophone literature in Berlin, Germany, and holds a PhD from the Sorbonne University, Paris (2018), where she explored the relationship between Surrealism and performance art. Her doctoral research was supported by Brown University, Providence, where she was an international visiting scholar (2012–13), and the Labex CAP laboratory in Paris, where she was a research fellow (2014–16). Elements of her research have appeared in various publications, including La femme fatale (2020), Les artistes et leurs galeries, Paris–Berlin, 1900–1950 (2019), and La mise en scène dans tous ses états (2016). She has written articles on Surrealism, performance art, eroticism, and the representation of the feminine in twentieth-century art for MuseMedusa, Lingua Romana, (In)Disciplines, Symbolon, Studii şi cercetări filologice, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, and Acta Iassyensia Comparationis (AIC). Her most recent publication was a chapter on Yoko Ono’s performances in Women and Nonviolence (2021), edited by Anna Hamling.


Dr. Lehmann has held postdoctoral fellowships at Cornell University, Ithaca (2018), at the Université du Québec à Montréal (2019–21) and at the German Center for Art History, Paris (2021–22). She has been part of numerous curating teams, most notably for Ceci n’est pas un musée at the Fondation Maeght (2014) and for Une brève histoire de l’avenir at the Louvre Museum (2015). She is interested in exhibition strategies that engage with and overcome the challenges of exhibiting artworks that are transitory or linked to a particular space. This fascination is reflected in her own practice: she often creates installations that function like puzzles and are put together differently depending on the characteristics of the exhibition context. In this way, her oeuvre is constantly reshaped, in transition, and mutating.

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